Overcoming your fear of sharing your art online

As an artist, it can be scary to share your work with the world. Whether it's the fear of rejection, the fear of criticism, or simply feeling vulnerable, putting your art on social media can be intimidating. But it's important to remember that overcoming this fear is a crucial step towards growing as an artist and building a following. So here are some steps to follow to beat the fear of posting online:

Every Artist Started Somewhere

Remind yourself of this often. Every. Artist. Started. Somewhere. At one point in their life they weren’t an artist, and they didn’t gain an entire art career overnight. They made mistakes, they learnt, they adapted, they overcame, and they persisted. Remember that growth is a slow and steady process. Starting to post online is the first step. I remember my first ever Instagram post, it got 3 likes, it didn’t go viral, it didn’t get endorsed or promoted. I just simply kept creating and posting until things started getting noticed.

Going Viral Is Not The Goal

I think there is a lot of pressure on going viral these days. I feel it too. I feel it often. And I remind myself that isn’t the goal. Would it be nice? Yes. But I am not a viral success, I am persistent, I am driven, I build with people that truly connect with my work and with me as an artist and I just keep going. And that is something to be proud of. I know the value of my work and the hard work I have put into this. So when you start out, the goal is not to go viral. It’s just to make a start, get comfortable, and then go from there! Sometimes a video might suddenly pop off but don’t pressure yourself or put yourself down if that doesn’t happen straight away!

Start Small

If the thought of sharing your work on social media is overwhelming, start small. Share a few of your favorite pieces on a personal account or in a private group. This way, you can get a feel for what it's like to put your work out there and see how others react. And who knows, you may even receive some positive feedback that will encourage you to keep sharing your art.

Remember the Purpose

When it comes to sharing your art on social media, it's important to remember the purpose behind it. Are you looking to sell your work? Are you looking to build a following? Whatever your reason may be, focusing on the purpose of your art will help you overcome the fear of sharing it on social media.

Use Positive Affirmations

It's normal to be afraid of putting your work out there, but try not to let that fear take over. Instead, use positive affirmations to help you overcome the fear. Remind yourself that you're a talented artist and your work is worth sharing. Tell yourself that you're proud of what you've created and that you're excited to see how others will react.
You can read my blog posts on positive affirmations for artists on previous blog posts.

Focus on the Process

Rather than worrying about the end result of putting your art on social media, focus on the process of creating it. When you create art, you're in your own world and you're not thinking about what others will think. Focus on that same feeling of peace and creativity when you put your art on social media.

Embrace the Journey

Sharing your art on social media is just one step in your journey as an artist. Embrace it, enjoy it, and don't let fear hold you back. Remember that you're an artist because you love to create and you love to share your work with others. So don't be afraid to share your art and let the world see what you're capable of.

In conclusion, overcoming the fear of sharing your art on social media can be difficult, but it's not impossible. Start small, remember the purpose, use positive affirmations, focus on the process, and embrace the journey. With these tips in mind, you'll be well on your way to sharing your art with the world and building a following of fans who appreciate your work!

I hope this helps! I can be daunting but the sooner you start sharing your work, the sooner you can get comfortable with posting online! :)

Thanks for reading,

Katie Alize


10 positive affirmations for artists